Part 1: The Preparation

A Dream Becomes Reality

I am Anna, an experienced nurse from Belgium, and I have always dreamed of working abroad. Switzerland was at the top of my list because of the high salary, beautiful nature, and high quality of care. After years of dreaming and planning, I finally decided to take the plunge. Fortunately, I received help from CareToMatch, a recruitment agency specializing in assisting healthcare professionals with their international careers. They made the entire process easier for me.

Overcoming Language Barriers

The first step was learning the language. Although I already had a basic knowledge of German, CareToMatch advised me to take a course to improve my language skills. They helped me find a suitable language school and ensured I could start quickly. I knew that speaking German would be essential to communicate well with colleagues and patients.

Professional Recognition

Besides the language, I had to ensure that my diplomas and certificates were recognized in Switzerland. CareToMatch contacted the Swiss government and arranged the necessary documents for the official recognition of my qualifications. This process took several months, but thanks to their help, I finally received the green light to work as a nurse in Switzerland.

Logistical Preparations

I also had to arrange many logistical matters. I sold my apartment in Belgium and began sorting through my belongings. What could come with me and what could not? I decided to take only the most essential things and sell or give away the rest. Additionally, I needed to find a new home in Switzerland. After several weeks of searching, I found a charming apartment in Zurich, close to my new workplace, with the help of CareToMatch.

Adventure in Switzerland

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